Thursday, September 1, 2011

New friends

Jerry Seinfeld had a bit about when you reach a age in your life when you are max out your friend roster. "This is the team we are going with". And the odd moment when you have to tell someone that you are all filled up on your friends. Well I am that person now. Josh Proctor is on a friend search. Now I know I could never replace my old friends. I have a check list. A married couple of red heads,a smart fat guy,a guy that is still in the closet and at least 6 to 7 whores. The last part may be the east part of the list. How do you make new friends when you are in your late 20's? I can't go up to people and just ask them. "You like the Jets? I like them to lets be friends!!!" I think I am just going to phase myself into a group. Like just start showing up at the same bar and start hanging out with people and then one day go out to a new bar with them and then one day they will be like"where is that josh guy?" The key is to kept them laughing. I am going to break in some 9-11 jokes that will for sure win any normal people over. Then 4 months from now I will have 4 new friends. Sounds like a plan right?...........I am 98% sure 4 months from now I will still be hanging out with my cat on friday nights watching WWE smackdown

1 comment:

  1. the check list is the funniest thing i ever read in my entire life.
