Saturday, September 3, 2011

I don't care

So I met some pro-life people last night. Why do they all have to be crazy? I like how they always test the water first before going on a rant. "So what do you think?" They will never just come out and say "hey I am crazy and this is my crazy thoughts." And I don't like being called pro-life. It is not that I am pro-life it is just that I just don't care. I mean I think it is annoying that anyone does care. I don't see why anyone would care about what someone else is doing. I guess by their terms that would make me pro-life. It goes the same way with gay marriages. Why would you care if 2 people you don't know wants to get married? How does that concern you at all? It just seems so odd that people can sit there and make up laws base on a book that half the time does not make any sense. It just seems kind of sad that people spend their lives fighting things like gay people getting married and that how pro-life thing. I am lazy but even things that I do care about I don't spend time doing anything about it. How much hate do you have if you don't want 2 people that you never met to be happy. Why do they care so much? Don't get me started on the bible. That will be my next blog

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