Thursday, September 8, 2011

Heaven sounds great!

If I told you a place where the homes are free,you don't need a job and everything is free you might think I am making this up.........I might be. I am talking about heaven. Now if you want to get into this place you got to be very careful. There are 10 rules you must never break. If you can go though your whole life without breaking anyone of those rules then you have a pretty good chance of making it to this great place. It sounds great but I have a few questions. Do they have homes and if so do I pick where I live? How big is heaven? It got to be running out of space by now. There got to be a ton of people up there. Do they have cell phones? How do I get in-touch with someone that lives on the north side of heaven? Can I sell my house? Do you even need a job if not how do I get things? If nobody works then what is there to do? I know this sounds like a lot of questions. And if you find someone who thinks there is a heaven they won't answer any of them. So it sounds great but there is a lot of question marks. So do you want to roll the dice and live like a asshole or have some fun and take the the chance that you will end up in that "hot place". I always been a living in the moment type guy. But how pissed would you be if you live your life perfect and then at the end you found out that it is not real. How red would your face be? Or better yet you do get up there and you see that coke selling pimp that died 5 years ago from getting in a gun fight with the cops up there living it up. Or better yet it is all fake and you just died having lived your life like a asshole. I think it sounds to good to be true. I am not even going to get in the fact that it is not real. I do love they people that think that it is real how they try to get other people to think it to. I never will get that. Like I said before there got to be a ton of people up there so why would you want more? If anything they should get more people to hate their god and then laugh when they are going up and you are going down. But I don't care what anyone thinks or says deep down inside they know it is all bullshit.

Monday, September 5, 2011

A sad sad day

You ever get over someone that you cared a lot about? And then one day look back and remember how much you cared about them and how it is kind of sad that you don't have any feelings for them now? That happen to me today but cause of a person. 5 years ago I could have told you the highest rated QBs to Kickers in Madden. I would buy the book and which told you all the things you knew already. I called it the bible. Losing at the game would just ruin my day. Winning at the game would change my mood to happy everytime. So when I read that the new madden was coming out I just figure I would still feel the same way. But when it came out I could have care less. And I don't even miss it at all. I recall a time when I would call my friends over to have madden day! Now I don't even care if I have a Madden second. Now saying that if I was over at a friends house and they offer a game a madden I would never turn it down. Madden is like weed you never turn down a hit. However sitting thinking how much I use to care about it is like thinking of a first love. I just will take the good moments and kept them with me for the rest of my life. And when I look at my "Madden Champ" t-shirt I will get a tear in my eye. Good bye my old friend go on and make other people happy. That will do pig....

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I don't care

So I met some pro-life people last night. Why do they all have to be crazy? I like how they always test the water first before going on a rant. "So what do you think?" They will never just come out and say "hey I am crazy and this is my crazy thoughts." And I don't like being called pro-life. It is not that I am pro-life it is just that I just don't care. I mean I think it is annoying that anyone does care. I don't see why anyone would care about what someone else is doing. I guess by their terms that would make me pro-life. It goes the same way with gay marriages. Why would you care if 2 people you don't know wants to get married? How does that concern you at all? It just seems so odd that people can sit there and make up laws base on a book that half the time does not make any sense. It just seems kind of sad that people spend their lives fighting things like gay people getting married and that how pro-life thing. I am lazy but even things that I do care about I don't spend time doing anything about it. How much hate do you have if you don't want 2 people that you never met to be happy. Why do they care so much? Don't get me started on the bible. That will be my next blog

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Facebook friends

Now my last post was all about finding new friends. Well why look when I have over 600 friends on facebook!!!! Now am I "friends" with all of them? No. But it is a great icebreaker. "Hey Kelly yea I really don't know you but would you like to hang out on saturday?" I like how facebook thinks you should be friends with some people cause you have like 5 friends in common. The 5 by the way you don't know who they are at all. And the term "friend" is such a bad choice of a word. Just cause I want to see what someone is doing does not mean I want to be friends with them. It is also kind of sad. "Oh I got 734 friends" No you don't you have 3 and that is counting you 2 cats. They should call it something like "faces I think I know" or "people I really don't like enough to call or ask how they are doing but still kind of want to know" I hate when I run into my "friends" in real life and don't want to even say hi to them. They come up and say "I heard you were at the mall on tuesday". Oh you heard huh? I guess CNN was covering my facebook page today. But it is all about the number of friends. You don't want to be the one with 23 friends like some asshole. Say it with pride "I GOT 769 FRIENDS" How sweet how many do you know? "I know about 9". But I got poked by like 24 of them.

New friends

Jerry Seinfeld had a bit about when you reach a age in your life when you are max out your friend roster. "This is the team we are going with". And the odd moment when you have to tell someone that you are all filled up on your friends. Well I am that person now. Josh Proctor is on a friend search. Now I know I could never replace my old friends. I have a check list. A married couple of red heads,a smart fat guy,a guy that is still in the closet and at least 6 to 7 whores. The last part may be the east part of the list. How do you make new friends when you are in your late 20's? I can't go up to people and just ask them. "You like the Jets? I like them to lets be friends!!!" I think I am just going to phase myself into a group. Like just start showing up at the same bar and start hanging out with people and then one day go out to a new bar with them and then one day they will be like"where is that josh guy?" The key is to kept them laughing. I am going to break in some 9-11 jokes that will for sure win any normal people over. Then 4 months from now I will have 4 new friends. Sounds like a plan right?...........I am 98% sure 4 months from now I will still be hanging out with my cat on friday nights watching WWE smackdown