Thursday, September 8, 2011

Heaven sounds great!

If I told you a place where the homes are free,you don't need a job and everything is free you might think I am making this up.........I might be. I am talking about heaven. Now if you want to get into this place you got to be very careful. There are 10 rules you must never break. If you can go though your whole life without breaking anyone of those rules then you have a pretty good chance of making it to this great place. It sounds great but I have a few questions. Do they have homes and if so do I pick where I live? How big is heaven? It got to be running out of space by now. There got to be a ton of people up there. Do they have cell phones? How do I get in-touch with someone that lives on the north side of heaven? Can I sell my house? Do you even need a job if not how do I get things? If nobody works then what is there to do? I know this sounds like a lot of questions. And if you find someone who thinks there is a heaven they won't answer any of them. So it sounds great but there is a lot of question marks. So do you want to roll the dice and live like a asshole or have some fun and take the the chance that you will end up in that "hot place". I always been a living in the moment type guy. But how pissed would you be if you live your life perfect and then at the end you found out that it is not real. How red would your face be? Or better yet you do get up there and you see that coke selling pimp that died 5 years ago from getting in a gun fight with the cops up there living it up. Or better yet it is all fake and you just died having lived your life like a asshole. I think it sounds to good to be true. I am not even going to get in the fact that it is not real. I do love they people that think that it is real how they try to get other people to think it to. I never will get that. Like I said before there got to be a ton of people up there so why would you want more? If anything they should get more people to hate their god and then laugh when they are going up and you are going down. But I don't care what anyone thinks or says deep down inside they know it is all bullshit.

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